I have contemplated writing a blog in the past but have continuously put it off. Mostly because of time. Until recently, I was working full time while going to school full time AND raising a family. I felt like my family had taken a backseat while my focus was on completing school. College would have been so much easier prior to having a family and a job to worry about, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
So why now? Well, to be honest- I have the time. Unfortunately/fortunately I have not landed a full time teaching job yet which I feel has provided me with some much needed time to focus on my family. This "break" from work will allow me to be home when I'm needed, yet allow me to substitute teach in the schools when I'm able. I'm okay with that, even though it wasn't a part of my plan. But He has a plan and I'm trying to be patient. Having this time allows me to focus not just on my family, but on other things I enjoy doing; one of those things being writing.
I hope you follow along (and enjoy) the things this "Susie Homemaker" tackles!
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